Trishala Ashok, a Jewel Designer

I used to think every stone was a precious gem if you cut it and gave it facets.
I stumbled upon Trishala Ashok, the Bangalore based jewellery designer, on the GIA site. What a treat for the eyes! Just look at the peacock earrings above! That image is what stopped me in my tracks:)
She was drawn to jewellery during a vacation in the U.S. with her family. Trishala was inspired by the craft bins she found as an eight year old child at a Marshalls department store. I can imagine her collecting beads and creating jewellery for her family and friends… Imaginative play is the highest form of creativity after all!
Trishala Ashok is an entrepreneur, an award winning jewellery designer and fitness enthusiast. She qualified in Media in India before venturing out and qualifying in Jewellery Design and Technology from GIA, U.S.
Her jewellery label WANSH is a combination of her parents’ names. Have a look at the two other WANSH jewel favorites of mine:
Disk Charm Earrings
…and of course the Zambian Sunset Ring seen on Gem Prive – “Whilst researching tourmalines I came across a picture of a magnificent sunset in Zambia, where the gemstones are sourced. The people who live there are lucky to witness it every day. The yellow tourmaline represents the sun and the pink and red tourmaline halo represents the sky during sunset.”
I know what she means… the breath taking sunsets in Zambia are unforgettable — which as a child and a teenager I was privileged to bask in for years, taking every one of them for granted! A alluring piece…
Well, I look forward to checking in on what Trishala Ashok will be creating in the near future! I hope you found as much pleasure as I did in these treasures xx